Screening & Testing
Warren General Hospital and the Cancer Care Center provide specialists over 20 screening and diagnostic tests for cancer.
Numerous cancers are being diagnosed at Warren General through the use of advanced diagnostic tools.
Medical Oncology
Warren General Medical Oncologists are board certified in the treatment of cancer using medicines. Chemotherapy is a drug therapy used to destroy cancer cells, stop their growth, or slow their growth. Chemo is also used to shrink the size of tumors that may be causing pain or undue pressure.
Before surgery chemotherapy is used to shrink tumors and after surgery it may be used to destroy cells that remain in the body. Medical oncologists prescribe treatment and closely monitor results. There are a wide variety of therapies and your doctor can determine the duration of treatment by its success and your body’s ability to accept the medication.
Warren General has doubled its medical oncology drug infusion capacity since 2009.
Radiation Oncology
Radiation oncology is the treatment of tumors with high energy x-rays todestroy the cancer cells. It is a very scientific process beginning with a board-certified radiation oncologist and a team of technologists that plan the treatment by computer aided simulation. The patient’s tumor is precisely targeted and precautions are taken to be certain no healthy cells are hit by radiation beams. A CT scan provides the exact shape of the target and another technician determines the angles, shape of the beam, and the dose of the beam.
The exact position of both the patient on the table and the linear accelerator (that shoots the beam to destroy the tumor) enable a series of doses in subsequent appointments to hit the same target week after week.
Surgical Oncology
Often a surgical procedure follows a cancer treatment. Board certifiedWarren General surgeons work very closely with hospital medical and radiation oncologists to be certain any remaining cancer cells are surgically removed. Surgery is not always required but if it is hospital surgeons have experience with nearly all bodily structures that have been treated. Surgical procedures using laparoscopes, or robotics enable most procedures to be “same day surgeries”.
If you wish to send a memorial donation in honor of someone to the WGH Cancer Care Center, please send a check made out to the “WGH Cancer Care Center” to the following address:
Terry Cook
Cancer Center Director
WGH Cancer Care Center
Two Crescent Park West
Warren, PA 16365
Also, the name for the Memorial gift and include your return address for a Thank You letter. If you like an Acknowledgement letter of your donation, please included the address(es) of anyone you would like it sent to.
Thank you for your support of the WGH Cancer Care Center.
Warren General Hospital, Cancer Care Center
105 Lee Street
Warren, PA 16365

Social Services
Nutritional Consultation
Education Center with Internet Access and Lending Library
Transportation Assistance
Monthly Support Groups
Affiliation with the American Cancer Society
Professional Prosthesis Fitting
Wig/Hat Exchange
Therapy Garden
Radiation Therapy
Radiation Therapy SBRT, SRS
Infusion Therapy – Including Antibiotics and Medicine for Multiple Sclerosis and Crohn’s Disease
Community Center Screenings
PET/CT – combining PET (Positron Emission Tomography) and Computerized Tomography for enhanced treatment options
Linear Accelerator with Multi-Leaf Collimation
IMRT- Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
Dedicated ST Simulation and Conformed 3-D Isodose Treatment Planning- MIMS: fully computerized treatment planning for delivering the highest level of precision radiation therapy with very minimal side effects to surrounding normal tissue
SBRT - Stereotactic body radiation therapy, is a cancer treatment that delivers extremely precise, very intense doses of radiation to cancer cells while minimizing damage to healthy tissue.
IGRT - Image-guided radiation therapy
SGRT - Surface-guided radiation therapy
4D CT imaging
DIBH - Deep Inspiration Breath Hold