The Maternity Department Welcomes All New Mothers 

Visitation: Warren General Hospital is limiting visitation to the hours 2pm-6pm and only having 1 visitor at a time.  The maternity department will allow the father of the baby (or support person) to be present outside of these hours and involved in the labor and delivery of the baby. We ask that all other visitors come during the visitation hours set by WGH and only immediate family come to visit. We ask if anyone has any symptoms of any illness to stay away so we can protect our patients and staff. 

WGH Has You Covered from Classes to Infant Care

You just found out you are pregnant and so excited to be having a baby! Warren General Hospital maternity staff knows this fantastic feeling as they assist mothers in delivering their little package of joy each and every day.

We have you covered with a full range of maternity services at your fingertips. We have experienced physicians, nurses and staff available on a 24/7 to make your birthing experience all that it should be!

It Starts With the Classes

Warren General Hospital offers childbirth education classes that focus on the following:

  • The admission process into the hospital

  • What to expect and the various stages of labor and delivery

  • Relaxation techniques that make a difference

  • Pain relief options and

  • Postpartum and infant care

These classes are taught by certified Registered Nurses, childbirth educators, and lactation consultants.

Please contact Maternity for questions or to sign up.

814-723-3300 ext 1681

Class Schedule:

February 17, 24

March 3

April 7, 14, 21

June 2, 9, 16

Please note each “class” is all 3 sessions.


Breastfeeding class 

We schedule classes a couple of times a year. If you are interested in attending a class, please call maternity at 814-723-3300 ext. 1681

If you have additional questions regarding breastfeeding, contact Miranda on maternity at the number above.

Thank you,

Melissa Turner RN, MSN/Ed

Warren General Hospital

What is Safe Sleep?

• Warren General Hospital has been officially recognized as a @Cribs for Kids® National Silver Certified Safe Sleep Hospital. The Cribs for Kids® National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification program awards recognition to hospitals that demonstrate a commitment to reducing infant, and sleep-related deaths by promoting and educating on best safe sleep practices. Warren General is proud to hold this title.

• Did you know that babies should always be put to sleep on their backs and that caregivers should remove all soft bedding, bumpers, and toys from their sleep space? We provide caregivers tips and resources to keep your baby sleeping safely!

Safe Sleep